
旅游 文化 & 历史 一天旅行 一日游 经销商除外 骑马 为成年人做的事情 一日游 自然 & 冒险 户外活动 租赁 户外运动 主题旅游 自然 & 全景 高风险活动 观赏点 历史 & 遗产 自行车 生态旅游 中等风险的活动 音频指南 自行车之旅 骑车旅游 Pakleni群岛一日游 蓝洞一日游 Kealakekua湾一日游 拱门国家公园一日游 大沼泽地国家公园一日游 辛特拉一日游 从曼彻斯特到湖区一日游

游览奥克兰最好的方式? 毫不费力地骑在电动自行车上. See the 图标ic sights of Auckland city, as well as visit some of the locals' favourite neighborhoods.

如果您正在预订您的 奥克兰之旅 最后一分钟,我们帮你搞定了. 以下是一些顶级旅游和体验!


  • 从伊甸山顶欣赏令人惊叹的360度景色
  • Ride Auckland's amazing network of cycleways - including the amazing 'Pink Path'
  • Learn about Auckland's past, present and future from a friendly local guide
  • 让你的电动自行车为你工作,当你享受城市
  • Keep things personal in small groups - no more than 6 riders and your guide


Auckland is a city that it built on volcanos - so that means great views, and hills! 骑一辆有趣的电动自行车游览城市是完美的解决方案. Electric bikes allow people with all levels of fitness to enjoy cycling and the benefits of being outdoors. 从舒适的马鞍上看到城市最好的一面, with a local expert guide who will take you on a fascinating journey - exploring the past, 奥克兰的现在和未来. We recommend you book this tour at the start of your visit - to give you lots of ideas for the rest of your time in Auckland! Meet outside a cafe located in the heart of Auckland city - within an easy walk of the cruise ship terminals and many hotels. 在那里, you will be kitted with your stylish electric bike and your riding gear - including a helmet and a cycle specific headset, 这样你就可以放心地听导游讲解了. You'll be given a short orientation with the electric bikes and do a practice ride nearby, 确保您在旅行开始前100%舒适.  离开市中心的, 你将穿过奥克兰最新开发的项目之一, Wynyard季度, 是下一个, then round the Silo Park to check out your next destination - Westhaven and the Harbor Bridge. Ride along the picturesque boardwalks to Westhaven - the largest marina in the Southern Hemisphere and get up close and personal with the Harbor Bridge. The tour continues on through historic Freemans Bay and the Victoria Park before joining heading up to one of Auckland's cycling 图标s - Te Ara i Whiti/the Lightpath. 这款屡获殊荣,充满活力(而且很粉)!自行车道是拍照的好地方. Then it's on to the high point (literally) of the tour - Mount Eden/Maungawhau - the highest of the many volcanic cones around Auckland. Let the motor on your electric bike do all the hard work as you cruise up. 在山顶享受壮观的360度景色, 导游将向您讲述奥克兰动荡的早年. 然后你将从城市的最高点下降. On your way back down to sea level you'll visit one of the largest parks in Auckland - the Domain - for more beautiful views from Auckland Museum. 然后再回到奥克兰令人惊叹的海滨自行车道. 当你回到市中心的时候, 您将经过奥克兰一些最具历史意义的码头, where you'll learn all about Auckland's relationship with the sea over the years. 然后穿过繁华的高架桥, where your guide can recommend plenty of dining options for you to enjoy during the rest of your visit. The tour will finish back where you started and you will have a big smile on your face! To ensure the best experience, your group size will be small - a maximum of 6 riders and your guide. And there are frequent stops on the tour - plenty of time to take photos and listen to your guide as they share the story of Auckland with you.


经验丰富的当地导游 使用一辆神奇的电动自行车 使用城市自行车头盔 使用自行车专用耳机,在您骑行时进行评论 安装在自行车上的小袋子,可以存放手机,相机等 使用雨衣(只在需要的时候)!) 纪念照片 当地的税收


  • 为了你的快乐和安全, groups are small and personal - so a maximum of 6 riders per group, 再加上一个友好的导游
  • The minimum age is 14 years old (14-15 years old must be accompanied by an adult)
  • 最低骑乘高度为5英尺(152厘米)
  • The tour uses Auckland's fantastic cycleways as much as possible but to get to some of the best places it will be necessary to ride through city streets too – so some experience of city riding is required
  • 要求穿闭头鞋. 运动装备不是必需的
  • Free storage available for small bags at the city center departure point
  • 成人价格适用于所有旅客




我的向导 书现在! 经典:骑着电动自行车探索神奇的奥克兰












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